
The Mission Of
Novalab Healthcare Pvt Ltd

Novalab Healthcare PVT LTD plays an active role in policy surrounding the research, discovery and development of new medicines. Along with this commitment, the Novalab Healthcare must also take an active role in helping to ensure that appropriate patients receive access to state-of-the-art scientific advancements. The various players involved in drug development and introduction, including the Novalab Healthcare, clinicians, advocacy groups and regulatory bodies, need to work together to ensure patient access to quality care. While issues such as drug acquisition costs and marketing are often given a high profile, this may cloud perceptions of the industry's commitment to deliver important new medicines to the patients and healthcare systems that need them.


stick to Standards


Ensure safety comes first


Comply with ethics & standards


Value people


Facilitate good business practices


While financial investment in novel therapies provides patients with new care options and often improved quality of care, the Novalab Healthcare also recognizes the significance of its responsibility to manage the perceived potential conflict of interest where profits rather than patients' welfare is the priority. To maintain this balance, the industry employs leading scientific researchers and clinicians, and collaborates with outside medical experts and professional organizations from the preclinical period through introduction of the product and beyond. Industry collaboration with experts in the field works to ensure that patients have access to the most current therapy options available through physicians who support the use of these new therapies. Medical experts also help to establish the appropriate usage of new therapies by gaining clinical experience with these drugs, which also serves to protect patient safety as far as possible.